Samantha came to us 6 weeks out from their proposed wedding date to assist with styling her impromptu micro-wedding. Their initial plans of eloping and getting married in Central Park New York had been postponed indefinitely due to Covid-19 travel restrictions… so they thought to celebrate here at home in Melbourne instead!
With the hunt on for a venue for both the ceremony and the reception we assisted Sammy and Giacom in securing the architecturally grand
Melbourne Town Hall for the ceremony and the romantic, dramatic and stylish
Metropolis for the reception.
The lead up was a little stressful and wasn’t without its challenges… Melbourne still facing restrictions on guest numbers, limited venue access and only days away from an imminent lockdown 2.0. We were good to go, then we weren’t, then we were back on but only if you weren’t from a Melbourne hot spot!
We got there though and on this day we gave Covid the birdie wearing face masks, gloves, sanitising and social distancing… and these two got married!
A modern, crisp, elegant and romantic setting with contrasting tones of bright and bold colours with softer neutral colours playing tribute to the grandness, drama and romance of both locations.
Intimate, thoughtful and definitely one for the memory bank.
Sammy and Giacom, “We wish you all the best for a beautiful future in what was definitely a time no one will forget xx”.